Monday, September 5, 2011

Edventure Children's Museum

Today we went to Edventure Children's Museum in Columbia, SC with some of our friends. Grant had a blast!
By the end of the day we were all exhausted and I was very thankful to be home resting with my boy. We are going to have to go back when Eric gets home!

Wearing the fireman gear that I could actually put on him without him pitching a fit!

Driving the truck!

Learning how gears work

This is what he does now when he says "cheese!"

He thinks he is tough stuff sitting on this big tractor wheel!

With his best bud, McGregor.

A boys dream!

Admiring a butterfly

Before we entered the pavilion, we were told how the butterflies are delicate and we CANNOT touch them. Two seconds after I snatched this picture, Grant grabbed this butterfly by both wings and I had to pry it out of his hand while getting a death look from the butterfly lady! Not quite sure if that thing survived the next few minutes... :-/

...he's still cute...

A little grocery store for the kiddies. Grant is stocking up on fruit cocktail and chicken broth!

...and potatoes...

...his favorite cereal, cucumbers....

...and oatmeal...

I felt like we were contestants on the Supermarket Sweep...I kept getting the urge to yell, "Get the ham!"...but knew no one else would find it funny.

Paying for his goodies. This turned into a throwing game, as (of course) this kid thought the potatoes were balls. (poor girl who was playing cashier)

Because he "mastered" the shopping cart, he now feels he can push his own stroller and if I tried to help, I was told "no mom."

Who needs a net? My little man catches fish with his bare hands!!!

Grant the Sailor Man!


We made a fairly quick stop in Africa to dance with a local band. Note: Grant and I are both doing the same dance! How did that happen??

Delivering a load of chickens!

We even got to ride a camel!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

And the summer is over.

Its been a while since I have written a blog, but I figured since Grant is getting older and as we move on to our next adventure in Maryland, I would try to start this thing up again.

Today Grant had his first four wheeler expereince with his best buddy, McGregor. It took him a while to figure out how to push down on the pedal, but once he figured it out, he was unstoppable! I'm thinking maybe one of these battery operated cars will be purchased (or brought by Santa) by the end of the year.

Tomorrow we are headed to Columbia with some friends to visit the EdVenture Children's Museum!

Life is good!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Georgia weather

Well it is summer weather here in Georgia. Almost reached 80 degrees today. This has allowed Mommy and Grant to get out and explore the neighborhood which is now one of our favorite things to do during the day. Grant's first walk was yesterday and he loved it. He sat back in his stroller, closed his eyes, and just took in the sun and fresh air. Today we went for another walk and it was equally exciting. When the walk was over and we approached the house, Grant started screaming. He was not happy about the fun times being over.

We thought for a day or so that we had a baby who would sleep through the night. Grant slept 6 hours in his own bed Saturday night but it was just a fluke. Since then though, he has been doing very well sleeping in his bed for naps during the day. We have a little bit more work to do.

Grant and I went clothes shopping today. With his big beach vacation with Grandma and Grandpa Stair and Aunt Allie coming up at the end of the month, we needed to get some clothes for the warm weather. We bought Hawaiian shirts and shorts and even a pair of sandals. I had a ton of fun, but not Grant. His disapproval could be heard throughout all of Babies R Us.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shots and Bubbles

Today was the day for Grant's 2 month checkup and shots. He weighed in at 11 pounds 7 ounces and was just over 22 inches long. Doctor said he is looking great. His shots were stressful for the poor baby and equally stressful for Mom. He has been napping since his appointment and screams every time he wakes. I'm sure his legs are very sore, he got 3 shots. We gave him some infant Tylenol and it seems to be working with pain and his fever.

A relaxing bath helped a lot for poor baby and caused a lot of entertainment for Mom and Dad. Grant is very gassy and decided that his time of relaxation would be a good time to pass the gas. We got a pretty good video of it all. It may or may not be one of those "embarrassing videos" we threaten to show a future girlfriend.

Thumbs up for being such a big boy!

A keeper for sure!

Nothing like a relaxing bath after a stressful day